
青年节 Youth Day

作者:Admin2020-11-23 22:27:59

导读:In the old society of China, when the government went corrupted and made the great fail in foreign policy, which annoyed the public, the young generation in the old Beijing walked on the street and protested the governments decision. As a r... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《青年节 Youth Day》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  In the old society of China, when the government went corrupted and made the great fail in foreign policy, which annoyed the public, the young generation in the old Beijing walked on the street and protested the government’s decision. As a result, people from all walks of life joined the activity and supported the young people’s action. As the great influence of this incident, people named May 4th as the Youth Day to in honor of the young generation’s effort in pushing the society forward. It is true that the youth dominates a country’s future. Due to their effort, our society goes much further. Every student should embrace the grateful heart and have the consciousness to fight for the country. Though we are lucky to born in a peaceful country, we need to be equipped with skills and make contribution to the society.


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