
所有亚洲人看起来都一样吗 Do All the Asian People Look the Same

作者:Admin2020-08-25 16:40:56

导读:According to the research, in the western countries, people cant figure out Asian faces, so in their eyes, all the Asian people look the same. But the situation is different in Asia, people can figure out most of western faces. It is not be... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《所有亚洲人看起来都一样吗 Do All the Asian People Look the Same》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  According to the research, in the western countries, people can't figure out Asian faces, so in their eyes, all the Asian people look the same. But the situation is different in Asia, people can figure out most of western faces. It is not because foreigners are easy to be recognize, but we have access to the western culture and get familiar with their features. Western people can't recognize the Asian faces because most of them know little about Asian culture. Hollywood culture is popular around the world. It is the mainstream, while it is not hard to find that people barely can find the Asian image in the screen. Because of the lack of Asian culture export, western people don't know the features and they are easily to treat all the Asian people look as the same.


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