
文明使用网络 Using the Internet With Civilization

作者:Admin2020-08-18 11:41:45

导读:Last night, I saw a movie about a girl who behaved not well in the bus, someone took the video of what she did and pubished it on the Internet. The next day, the girl was condemned by the world, she finally suicided. The movie represents th... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《文明使用网络 Using the Internet With Civilization》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  Last night, I saw a movie about a girl who behaved not well in the bus, someone took the video of what she did and pubished it on the Internet. The next day, the girl was condemned by the world, she finally suicided. The movie represents the violence of the Internet, it arises people’s thinking on the civilization of the Internet.


  As the development of the Internet, nowadays, people can share the information in a quick way. People have the access to the instance news and can give their opinions on the Internet. But we see from these years that as there is no rule to supervise the Internet, some people use this stage to attack others. The most famous example is that a famous Korean female star killed herself because of the rumor from the network. Though network allows us express our opinion, we should not attack others.


  The violence of network is much harmful to the body violence. Wrong rumors can destroy a person’s mind, the one who spread the rumor should be condemned, he is just like a killer who is out of responsibility. In order to civilize people’s behavior on the Internet, a law should be made to supervise the manipulation.


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