
减肥误区 The Wrong Ways to Lose Weight

作者:Admin2021-04-02 12:30:17

导读:For every girl, they chase to look beautiful all the time, even some of them take it as the lifetime career. Whats more, the commercial ads implant them the idea that only skinny girls can be charming, so some girls take the extreme ways to... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《减肥误区 The Wrong Ways to Lose Weight》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  For every girl, they chase to look beautiful all the time, even some of them take it as the lifetime career. What’s more, the commercial ads implant them the idea that only skinny girls can be charming, so some girls take the extreme ways to lose weight, which hurts their bodies badly.


  The most common wrong way to lose weight is to refuse food. Most girls believe that if they bear the hunger, then their bodies will not grow fat, so they just eat little food and fight with food temptation. It is not worthy of hurting bodies to lose weight. If we don’t keep healthy, we may lose our lives. The suitable way is to go on a diet with doctor’s professional advice.


  The second wrong way is to take pills. Many commercial ads try to attract more females to buy the products, so they brag about the effect of taking pills. Actually, these pills have side effects, which damage the bodies. Many experts have told the truth that taking regular exercise is the best way to keep fit.


  It is everybody’s right to chase looking beautiful, but they must do the wise things.


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