
马背上的男生 The Man in the Horse

作者:Admin2021-09-27 14:01:23

导读:As the summer Olympic Games is coming, I started to pay attention to the news everyday. When I saw the name Alex Hua Tian, I was so excited, because I am a big fan of him. I had seen him riding horse in the TV many years ago. I was caught b... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《马背上的男生 The Man in the Horse》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  As the summer Olympic Games is coming, I started to pay attention to the news everyday. When I saw the name Alex Hua Tian, I was so excited, because I am a big fan of him. I had seen him riding horse in the TV many years ago. I was caught by his handsome face. I searched a lot of his information and realized that he was talent in the horse riding. He was the first Chinese to join this competition, but he missed the London Olympic Games because his horse injured. Now we will see him in the big match again, he is ready to show in the Olympic Games.


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编辑特别推荐:人人平等的初一万能英语作文3篇七年级英语作文优选5篇我的学校生活初一英语作文优选5篇关于我的假期英语初一作文优选6篇关于动物的七年级英语作文5篇, 欢迎阅读,共同成长!