
我的梦 My Dream

作者:Admin2021-03-31 21:54:56

导读:According to the research, people will have many dreams when they sleep, but only few dreams can be remembered. So sometimes I feel very exhausted. I know I must have a lot of stories in my mind. My mother told me that the things happened i... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《我的梦 My Dream》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  According to the research, people will have many dreams when they sleep, but only few dreams can be remembered. So sometimes I feel very exhausted. I know I must have a lot of stories in my mind. My mother told me that the things happened in the dreams were a sign of the things that were going to come, but it was on the opposite side. At first I didn’t believe, but many facts showed the result. For example, one night in my dream, I was surrounded by the flood, then the next day, I picked up some money in the street. It was such amazing. The bad things in dream turned out to be good in reality.


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