
学生应该分担家务吗 Should Students Share Housework

作者:Admin2020-08-25 16:23:40

导读:In China, parents pay special attention to childrens study, they would do anything for the kids to let them have more time to study, so the elder will clean the bedroom and do all the housework for them. While in the western country, childr... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《学生应该分担家务吗 Should Students Share Housework》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  In China, parents pay special attention to children's study, they would do anything for the kids to let them have more time to study, so the elder will clean the bedroom and do all the housework for them. While in the western country, children have the duty to do the housework. Parents will be angry if the children do nothing at home. In my opinion, it is the students' duty to share housework. On the one hand, they can reduce the elder's burden. As they are part of the family, it is natural for them to do the cleaning work. On the other hand, the children can learn to take care of themselves and to be independent. The elder should realize that everyone have the duty to share housework. Overprotection of children will do nothing good.


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