
为什么越来越多女孩选择单身 Why More Girls Choose to be Single

作者:Admin2021-04-02 13:06:32

导读:It is said that in the future, the population of male will be more than female about 30 million, so girls seem to be chased by many males. While the fact is that more and more girls choose to be single, even they are more than 30. These gir... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《为什么越来越多女孩选择单身 Why More Girls Choose to be Single》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  It is said that in the future, the population of male will be more than female about 30 million, so girls seem to be chased by many males. While the fact is that more and more girls choose to be single, even they are more than 30. These girls are trend to be the new generation.


  Many parents are worried about their daughters’ marriage. They want their girls find their life partner, so that they can feel easy, because someone takes the job of taking care of their sweet heart. While nowadays, the girls are independent, they chase for equality in the new family, while most Chinese parents are still very traditional. They think once the girl marries their son, it is her duty to do all the house chores. In this way, the girl can’t find the balance between family and work. The smart one will choose the latter.


  The girls’ choice shows that they pay more attention to their rights and realize what they want. In the marriage, male and female share the equal responsibility. When men learn to be considerate, then the girls will choose the marriage.


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