
童话故事 Fairy Tales

作者:Admin2021-03-31 21:30:02

导读:When I was very small, my parents would tell me stories before I slept, so I was very interested in fairy tales. The famous stories like the little mermaid, Cinderella and Snow White are very familiar to me. The things I learned from these... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

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  When I was very small, my parents would tell me stories before I slept, so I was very interested in fairy tales. The famous stories like the little mermaid, Cinderella and Snow White are very familiar to me. The things I learned from these stories made me a strong girl. As a girl, I knew I must have strong will as these heroes. They never gave up when they met problems. So if I insisted, I could win at last. The most important thing for me to learn was to keep a kind heart. These fairy tales told people that nice people would have a happy ending, which was the right value.


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