
乡村支教 Aid Education in Countries

作者:Admin2020-11-26 22:24:10

导读:Every year, college students are inspired to teach in the poor countries of China during the vacation. More and more students are interested in this activity and they join the team. Aid education has been the long-term policy to help the po... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《乡村支教 Aid Education in Countries》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  Every year, college students are inspired to teach in the poor countries of China during the vacation. More and more students are interested in this activity and they join the team. Aid education has been the long-term policy to help the poor children and students gain the precious experience.


  Aid education has been advocated by the government many years ago and it is a good choice for college student to response to the policy. On the one hand, they can experience the different lifestyle. Most college students don’t know about the life in the poor area, and they just hear it in the news report, but they never have the chance to experience. When they live there for a while, they will learn to cherish what they have and appreciate what life endows to them. On the other hand, they can make many friends. As a teacher, the students are also their friends. What’s more, they can recognize many teachers who come to do the aid education job. Talking to these people will open our minds, which is the great fortune.


  Aid education in the countries is such a good experience before students go to work. It deserves to be done.


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