
旅游的方式 The Way to Travel

作者:Admin2020-11-26 22:23:10

导读:Nowadays, travel has been a popular way for people to take relax. Especially in the official holiday, thousands of people plan their trips and the hot tourist sites are full of people. Even though it is crowded, people are still passionate... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《旅游的方式 The Way to Travel》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  Nowadays, travel has been a popular way for people to take relax. Especially in the official holiday, thousands of people plan their trips and the hot tourist sites are full of people. Even though it is crowded, people are still passionate about the trips. Some people choose to group travel, while others choose to independent travel. Both are good choices.

  如今,旅游一直是深受人们喜爱的一种放松方式。特别是在法定假期 My Holiday'>假日,成千上万的人计划着他们的行程,热门的旅游景点都挤满了人。虽然拥挤,但是他们仍然热爱旅行。有些人选择跟团旅游,有些人选择自助旅游。都是不错的选择。

  There is no doubt that group travel can save energy and time. People just need to hand in money, then everything will be arranged. It is so convenient and they don’t need to worry about anything. It is very suitable for the old people and staffs, because they don’t have much energy and time to make plans.


  While today independent travel is more favored by the young people. They enjoy the freedom and want to appreciate the local features. They can go to any place they want and don’t need to be limited by the time. They can change their schedule if they want to see other tourist sites.


  Group travel is somehow limited on all sides, so independent is more favorable. If we have time, the latter choice is perfect.


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