
真正的平等 The Real Equality

作者:Admin2020-11-25 22:26:32

导读:Men and women have been advocated to be equal for a long time and a lot of great women have fought for the equal rights. The famous magazine put forward the People of the Year and women won this honor. The issue of equality caught the publi... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《真正的平等 The Real Equality》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  Men and women have been advocated to be equal for a long time and a lot of great women have fought for the equal rights. The famous magazine put forward the People of the Year and women won this honor. The issue of equality caught the public’s attention again.


  Today, as young female have received high education, they have the strong will to fight for their rights. They want to be paid the same salary as men for the same position. More girls believe that they can do the men’s work and take the place of them. Actually, this is the wrong idea about equality.


  It is known to all that men and women have different body figures, which means they are good at different things. For example, men have greater strength than women, so they are good at doing labor work, while women are much patient, who are good at nurturing children. Everybody finds their own place in the world and no matter what kind of work they are doing, they deserve to be paid equally regardless of different gender.


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