
找工作和创业哪个好? It is Better to Find a Job or run a Business?

作者:Admin2020-09-04 11:35:37

导读:In the new century, with the emergence of talent and less opportunity of social jobs, many college students face great employment pressure. At the same time, someone choose to do pioneering work, and some succeeded, some failed. To find a s... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《找工作和创业哪个好? It is Better to Find a Job or run a Business?》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  In the new century, with the emergence of talent and less opportunity of social jobs, many college students face great employment pressure. At the same time, someone choose to do pioneering work, and some succeeded, some failed. To find a stable job or to start a business has become a hot topic.


  First of all, a stable job let the freshmen learn experience from predecessor faster. Lacking of the contacts and fund would be one important reason for most Chinese college students to find a stable job. At present, not only in China but all around the world are facing great employment pressure , the news of Wall Street's bankruptcy, the U.S. government closed makes people understand clearly that to find a job is not easy right now.


  Secondly, to start a business let the entrepreneurs handle their times freely and win respect from others. Graduates can be their own boss and decide their business. In recent years, governments have introduced policies to encourage graduates to do pioneering work. Therefore, it is a good opportunity to try. When the business success, entrepreneurs would not only win money but respect and prestige, even make their dreams come true.


  For me, I think whether one suit open a company should according to his reality situation .because it exists big risk and not everyone can withstand failure .

  对我而言 ,我觉得创业要根据个人的实际情况来决定,因为创业风险很大,不是每个人都能承受创业的失败。

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