
分数并不等于知识 Score is not Equal to Knowledge

作者:Admin2020-09-04 10:38:20

导读:Score is not equal to knowledge, my head teacher always keeps telling me this, because he wants us to master all the knowledge we need to understand. I do not put his word in mind, because in my heart, score comes the first. One day, chemis... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《分数并不等于知识 Score is not Equal to Knowledge》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  “Score is not equal to knowledge,” my head teacher always keeps telling me this, because he wants us to master all the knowledge we need to understand. I do not put his word in mind, because in my heart, score comes the first. One day, chemistry teacher taught us some knowledge and then asked us to finish a paper test. Whoever passed the text can do the experiment. I got a high mark by guessing. I was very happy, but tragedy happened. I made a small explosion by not mastering the knowledge. I was scared and finally understood the sentence,” Score is not Equal to Knowledge.”


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