
新学期计划 My Plan for New Term

作者:Admin2020-09-04 10:27:03

导读:The summer holiday is going to the end. I am happy in the holiday, because I do a lot of things. Now, the new term is coming, so I must make a plan for it. In the new term, I must work harder. I did not do very well in the last term. Theref... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《新学期计划 My Plan for New Term》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  The summer holiday is going to the end. I am happy in the holiday, because I do a lot of things. Now, the new term is coming, so I must make a plan for it. In the new term, I must work harder. I did not do very well in the last term. Therefore, I want to make progress in the new term. Besides, I want to do some more readings. Books are the best resources to get knowledge. So I want to make good use of books to improve myself. Finally, do exercise regularly. A healthy body is the basic of other things. I must take part in exercise to keep healthy. And doing exercise makes me relaxed and happy. I hope all my plans can come true in the new term.


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编辑特别推荐:人人平等的初一万能英语作文3篇七年级英语作文优选5篇我的学校生活初一英语作文优选5篇关于我的假期英语初一作文优选6篇关于动物的七年级英语作文5篇, 欢迎阅读,共同成长!