
骑自行车上班 Cycling to Work

作者:Admin2020-08-25 16:34:41

导读:Nowadays, more and more people have private cars, and they use the cars most of the time. Whats more, they sit in the office for a long time, so most of them have health issue. One of them is overweight. Some people advise to ride a bike du... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《骑自行车上班 Cycling to Work》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  Nowadays, more and more people have private cars, and they use the cars most of the time. What's more, they sit in the office for a long time, so most of them have health issue. One of them is overweight. Some people advise to ride a bike during the way to office, which can not only help them to take exercise, but also can protect the environment by reducing the polluting gas. According to the report, the effect between cycling to work and taking exercise in the gym is the same. It is good news for the persons who sit in the office and don't have much time to do exercise. They can choose cycling as the regular exercise to keep fit. It is becoming more and more popular in western countries that people are advocated to ride bike on their way to work.


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