

作者:admin2021-10-15 13:08:07

导读:写作作为英语教学的一个重点与难点一直为师生所关注。但在实际的英语学习过程中,一些学生将更多的时间投入到见效较快的词汇、英语阅读等部分,下面作文录小编给大家分享高二写... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!




  My Sheep year Spring Festival is special. My uncle and my aunt came back from Shanghai. My family were very happy to keep the Spring Festival with them. And it was the most exciting festival of all the festivals.

  On New Years Eve, my father and my uncle talked about their work together. My mum did some cooking with my aunt Grandparents and I watched the New Year TV programmes. At about six oclock, we had a special family dinner. We all thought the dumplings were delicious.

  On the first day of the New Year, we visited our relatives. In the afternoon, we went shopping in Jiefanf Road. My uncle bought some Jays CDs. He likes Jays music very much. There were so many people on the road. It was more alive than any other time of a year.

  On the second and the third days, we spent a wonderful weekend in the country. There were much bigger trees than in the city. And the animals were more beautiful than in the city. We all enjoyed ourselves.


  Today, the sun is shining, from the annual traditional festival - the Spring Festival is still a week. I get up early in the morning, because my dad took me out today to buy special purchases for the Spring Festival.

  My father and I came to the mall, the shopping mall, the sea of people, bustling. The goods inside are dazzling and various, and I can see my dazzling. Buy special purchases for the Spring Festival people in a continuous line, all people are bursting with happiness and freshness. The Spring Festival is a day for adults, it is our childrens festival, the mall childrens toys, books, stationery counter was crowded with many little friends, very lively, the children to the wave of another wave, bought his favorite toy, leaving a cheerful laughter.

  My father and I bought new clothes, shoes and my favorite toy, happily walked out of the shop on the street, Malone street, the color is colorful than usual a lot, various people have, people shuttling between the major supermarkets, on the faces of the spring festival celebration. My father and I drove back to the home, today the purchase of special purchases for the Spring Festival to tell my mother what one sees and hears jubilant listening,

  Before the Spring Festival, every household was brightly lit at night, and the house was cleaned in a unique way. To buy special purchases for the Spring Festival stacked together, used to entertain relatives and friends. As a little friend, I like the Spring Festival the most, I hope that every day can be as lively and fun as the Spring Festival.


  The Spring Festival, the people have been happy ah? Below I come to tell me how my Spring Festival has passed.

  This years big rice is very special, do it at home. In the early morning, my mother got up early, wrote the list of vegetables for the first time, and went out to buy food. In the evening, everyone was busy, and the last table of dishes was made by everyone. What a taste we eat!

  Go to the flower market this year is particularly interesting, because we only spent half an hour, I have had two hands spent half an hour, you know buy two flowers are very good!!

  New year, you want to know what my breakfast is? Year cake! Yes! I got up early to run to the kitchen fried rice cake, everyone said good!

  New year, of course, you have to pay a new year. In the face of a missing relatives and friends can be talking, telling people, "red envelope"!

  Well, this is my Spring Festival!


  There are a lot of Customs in my hometown for Spring Festival. I dont believe you!

  In the Spring Festival, both men and women and young men and women wear beautiful new clothes, with simple smiles on their faces to welcome the coming of the new year. Red red couplets and New Year pictures were posted in each family. All drums. The children go to the new year and send the cards. At night, everywhere decorated. Famous shops, to hang out hundreds of lights, lantern, lamp, whats ice, shadeng...... Every kind of。 One side, the sound of firecrackers, cleaning guns, ringing, rockets, fireworks, fire. In the outside person, will prefer to drive home, eat family reunion dinner, this night, people will staying-up late on new years Eve!

  How, the custom of Spring Festival in my hometown is more, do you think of my hometown for the new year?


  Spring Festival is the most solemn year, the biggest festival. One to the Spring Festival, packed the streets, hanging men, women and children face a smile, to enjoy the festive fun.

  The color of the street is also much more colorful than usual. Seen fluttering colorful flags, colored business slogans, banners fluttered in the breeze. Hanging at the entrance of a shopping mall only Raise the Red Lantern, a quick glance it was warmer. Blue sky, a colored balloon only in the suns shining bright eye-catching. The breeze and the wind blowing, the size of balloon wind dance, but also seems to passersby nodded. Store cheerful scenes through glass doors and windows, into the eyes of passers-by, people could not help with the color of people, into one. Lunar New Year festival by adults, even childrens festivals, childrens toys, books, stationery counter is unusually crowded, the children to the wave of another wave, who took the beloved toys, leaving laughter.


  Soon after the new year, I want to grandma, because the mothers unit on the thirty before the holiday, I really cant wait, wait to go back to my grandma and dad.

  Grandmas family lives in the Guyang public interest iron mine, and dad needs to walk to grandmas home for 40 minutes. So when I got up early in the morning, I hurried to pick up what I wanted to bring. My mother had already put on a big bag for my new clothes I wore in the new year before I went to work, and put my winter homework, piano book, 20 minute reading and extra-curricular reading books in my schoolbag, too. After finishing the meal, I had breakfast with my father. My father took me to the Guanghui fruit wholesale market to buy some fruit, and then I bought some new food, so we drove all the way to grandmas house.

  To my grandmothers house, has been to more than 12 at noon, Grandma had a meal waiting for me, I am glad to see grandma, grandma is laughing not shut up. I hastened to call her mother to tell her that we had arrived safely, so that she could rest assured.


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