

作者:admin2023-02-19 00:12:01

导读:初一英语日记带翻译关于生日蛋糕 每年的大年初一,是姐姐的生日,而姐姐每年的生日蛋糕都有巧克力。我记得:去年姐姐的生日蛋糕,是黑森林的巧克力蛋糕。虽然一百多,但还是很... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!




  Every new year's Day is my sister's birthday, and my sister's birthday cake has chocolate every year. I remember: last year, my sister's birthday cake was a chocolate cake in the dark forest. Although more than 100, it is still very small. Before her sister's birthday, she told our three children that her cake this year is a fruit cake, and more than 100. Dad heard and said, "then you can buy some fruit, some cakes, and spread the fruit on the cake. That's OK." My sister has to say no.


  When uncle came back, he brought the cake. Sure enough, some fruits were spread on the cake, that is, a layer of cream and fruit in the middle, surrounded by a circle of chocolate. The taste is OK.


编辑特别推荐:做蛋糕英语日记我喜爱的学校二年级英语日记带翻译小学四年级英语日记带翻译姐姐来我家玩了小学三年级英语日记带翻译玩健身器材批雪糕六年级英语日记带翻译, 欢迎阅读,共同成长!