
谁该为剩女负责 Who Should Be Responsible For Leftover Women

作者:Admin2021-04-02 13:44:43

导读:In recent years, a new definition of the unmarried girls who are more than 30 is called leftover women. The families even the society treat them in the different way, which annoyes them. While in the western countries, no girls will be trea... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《谁该为剩女负责 Who Should Be Responsible For Leftover Women》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  In recent years, a new definition of the unmarried girls who are more than 30 is called leftover women. The families even the society treat them in the different way, which annoyes them. While in the western countries, no girls will be treated in this way because of the different culture.


  In Chinese tradition, women should stay in the house and take care of the chores, but in the modern society, many girls become independent and they refuse to be the housewife. They not only need to focus on the family, but also want to pursue career. But most men still hold the traditional view that taking care of the children is women’s job, so the girls refuse to marry.


  The call of leftover women disrespects female, while men are treated to be the golden bachelors. Women have the right to pursue what they want, they should not be judged by the marriage. The society always makes the standard for a woman, they believe that married women are happy while unmarried not. So these leftover women are under great pressure.


  There is no need to care about other people’s thoughts, women should be proud of being independent and live they way they are. no one will be responsible for you but yourself.


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