
职业的选择 The Choice of Career

作者:Admin2021-04-02 11:28:20

导读:When students graduate from college, most of them choose to start their career. In general opinion, a college student should work on something that is related to their major, if not, what they learn is believed to be wasted. In my opinion,... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《职业的选择 The Choice of Career》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  When students graduate from college, most of them choose to start their career. In general opinion, a college student should work on something that is related to their major, if not, what they learn is believed to be wasted. In my opinion, everyone has their right to choose what they want to do, regardless of other’s criticism.


  Recently, it has been reported that a student who graduated from first class university worked as a deliver guy. A lot of people felt pity for him, because they believed that this guy deserved a noble job, such as sitting in the office. While some people objected, they thought that every job was equal. There was no rule for people to decide what kind of job they should work on.


  I believe that we should respect young people’s choice. The job they work on doesn’t mean they must use their major knowledge. The meaning of receiving education is to teach us to be a better person. Even though we choose to be a farmer, we are the different farmers, because we have better skill and more polite.


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