
关于动物 About Animal

作者:Admin2021-04-02 10:58:38

导读:Animal is part of the nature. If they die out from the earth, then human being wont live long, either. We have been always educated to treat pets as our friends and there are so many touching stories between pets and their masters, but some... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《关于动物 About Animal》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  Animal is part of the nature. If they die out from the earth, then human being won’t live long, either. We have been always educated to treat pets as our friends and there are so many touching stories between pets and their masters, but some people are cold blooded and kill animals for their selfish reasons.


  Recently, it has been reported that a woman killed a pet dog because of her unsatisfactory desire of the money from the owner. The woman picked up a lost pet dog and she saw the owner’s notice, then she asked for money to return this dog and the owner agreed to give her some money, but she found the money was so little that she decided to kill this lovely creature.


  Soon the news spread out and the public was shocked by this greedy woman. An ordinary person will return the dog by not asking for anything. If some people ask for it, the owner will give some, but killing the animal is the unacceptable behavior. Animals are our friends and we have the duty to love and protect them.


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