
父母的牺牲 Parents' Sacrifice

作者:Admin2021-04-02 10:18:26

导读:As parents, they usually choose to make some sacrifice so that their children can have a better future. Especially Chinese parents, they sacrifice so much and put all the hope on the offspring. But according to the research, their over sacr... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《父母的牺牲 Parents' Sacrifice》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  As parents, they usually choose to make some sacrifice so that their children can have a better future. Especially Chinese parents, they sacrifice so much and put all the hope on the offspring. But according to the research, their over sacrifice won't make both children and themselves happy.


  For parents, they give up a lot of things that they want to do to reach the desire that their children to realize their dreams instead. So they have the high expectation for their children and once the children let them down, they will feel disappointed or just push a lot of pressure on them. For children, they keep their parents’ words and they are easy to feel guilty if they can't fulfill parents’ expectation.


  Chinese parents’ over sacrifice will not please anyone. Both sides will feel depressed. Being a parent doesn't mean to give up their dreams, and everyone has the right to chase their dreams and should not give up. It is everybody's duty to set the good example to the children and show the positive attitude to life. Children should be given more freedom to develop their talents.


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