
爸爸的惊喜 Dad’s Surprise

作者:Admin2021-04-01 10:52:48

导读:My 18 birthday was coming soon, it was such an important day for me, because it meant that I was an adult. My father had promised he would give me a big present on this big day. I was so excited and he took my mother and me to Thailand. The... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《爸爸的惊喜 Dad’s Surprise》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  My 18 birthday was coming soon, it was such an important day for me, because it meant that I was an adult. My father had promised he would give me a big present on this big day. I was so excited and he took my mother and me to Thailand. The trip to abroad was the first time for my family, after packing, we took the flight. When we arrived in Thailand, I couldn’t help hanging around. The scenery was beautiful, I could see the statue of buddha everywhere. Ridding the elephant was one of the famous travel projects. I rode the elephant and saw the scenery around the park, it was such fun. I was on top and felt great. My father has kept his promise and gave me the amazing present, I was so thankful to him.


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