
我的班级My Class

作者:Admin2021-03-30 09:25:41

导读:I am twelve years old and I am a student of Grade six. There are forty-five students in my class. Twenty-one are boys and twenty-four are girls. My classmates are active. Our teachers like us very much. They feel good to have lectures in my... 如果觉得还不错,就继续查看以下内容吧!

此文《我的班级My Class》由作文录「Zwlu.Com」小编推荐,供大家学习参考!

  I am twelve years old and I am a student of Grade six. There are forty-five students in my class. Twenty-one are boys and twenty-four are girls. My classmates are active. Our teachers like us very much. They feel good to have lectures in my class. In my class, we have good relationship with each other. We are ready to help others. I think my classmates are lovely. I feel happy to study with them.


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编辑特别推荐:介绍春节的小学英语作文圣诞节的小学英语作文优选8篇第一场雪 The First Snow关于爱 About Love植树节 Trees Planting Day, 欢迎阅读,共同成长!